All the features to
power your business

Stock Management

Add thousands of items

Add as many items you like with dozens of variants.

Cartons and pieces

Add and manage your stock in cartons or in pieces.

Stock history

Manage complete stock history of each item with average purchasing cost.

Replace/damage stock

Keep record of replace and damage stock.

Set selling prices

Set selling prices for both retail and wholesale.


Create multiple bills

Create up to five regular or Bilti bills at a time.

Option in bill printing

Print bills via Bluetooth thermal printer or normal printer.

Urdu bill printing

Print bills in urdu. Share to your customers in Pdf format.

Sale from multiple devices

Connect up to as many devices you like and expand your business.

Flexible selling prices

Set flexible selling prices of any item at the time of billing.

Add customers from bill

Quickly add a new customer while making a bill.

Cancel bill/return item

Cancel pending bills or return an item from bill anytime.

Nag/number of catrons

Keep record of Nags / number of cartons in Bilti bills.

Bilti receiving

Attach Bilti receiving pictures in Bilti bills.

Customer Ledger

Unlimited customers

Keep record of all your customers at one place.

Account history

View complete account history of customers.

Record total sales

Keep record of total sales and cleared amount against customers.

Bill history

Manage complete bill history of a customer.

Account balance

Manage account balance with cleared and pending bills.


Unlimited expenses

Keep record of your daily expenses.

Expense details

Add detail of an expense easily.

Manage old expenses

Edit or delete old expenses.

Your business
at your fingertips

Setup your business in minutes.